Dennis in the Reality
The Cryptic Letter
Per-Hjalmar and Luppa-Britta-Aset
The Bound Manuscript
666 Billions: The Stream of Consciousness of Todoka
The Enigma of Cancer by Ruben Nilsson
Mätta-Charlottas Letter of Lament
Kung Pil of Ulleråker
The Design of Karl
Maker and Thinker: The Worlds of Kalle
Ingmar Bergmans Nattygsbord
A World of Spiritual Things: The Dreams of Hugo Lindblad
Aj Aj Aj: The Embroidered Messages of Elvira Danielsson
The Colourful and Whimsical Messages of Dagmar
Black Arts Book from the Collection of the Nordic Museum in Stockholm
Two Black Magic Books Originating in Östra Göinge, Skåne
The Black Arts Book of Skövde
The Satanic Contract of Daniel Salthenius
Britta Månsdotter’s Letter of Farewell
The Book Cover